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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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'Oh I do like to be beside the Sea' is a Geography Project!

So... What is Geography?

Read the power point below to find out!

Now you know all about  geography, sort these features into human and physical geography using the table or make your own. You could draw the features, list them or even print out the list and cut and stick them on.

Week 2

This week we are learning about maps and plans.

Read or watch the powerpoint below.

The challenge is on the last page!

Can you find any maps at home?

Can you spot roads, train tracks, rivers, a motorway, towns or cities, a forest?

You can also use 'Google Maps' to explore maps. In Street View you can have a birds' eye view 

Can you find Bishops Waltham, your house, the school?

Have fun!


For those of who asked about the Southsea trip below is the Eye Spy Book we use during the day.

Week 3

This is our Southsea week.

Our Literacy activities are all linked to Geography and Southsea.

Below are some Eye Spy Sheets for Geographical features around Bishops Waltham.

Use them when you go out for a walk.

How many features can you spot?

Are they physical features (natural features which grow or are made by the weather or wind) or human features (man made or built)?

Below is a quiz about our visit to Southsea.

It is a 'true' or 'false'

Read the fact about Southsea or ask a grown up to read it to you.

Is the fact true, (right) or false (wrong).

Circle the right answer.

You might want to watch the Southsea Tour powerpoint first!

How many did you get right?


The answers sheet is also included below!


Week 4

This week we are learning to draw plans.

Remember the aerial views of the landscape or a birds' eye view from up above.

You are going to draw a plan of your bedroom!

Look at these pictures first. They are views of a bedroom as if you are standing in them on the ground>

Now you are a spider on the ceiling looking down on your bedroom, an aerial view.

Your room will look something like this:-

Now you can draw a plan of your room.

Remember you won't be able to see some parts like the legs on a chair or your bed.

Here are some bedroom plans for ideas.

Now you know how to draw a plan you could try to draw a plan for another room in your house or the garden or even your classroom!

See the ideas below.

Week 5

We have learnt so much about maps and plans.

This week your challenge is to create a map of your route from your house to school.

Remember maps are an aeriel view of the landscape. So pretend you are flying over your route to school!

Below are some examples of picture maps to help you.

Here are some pictures of maps other children have drawn.
Evie has already drawn a fantastic map outside and she made a 3D one too!

Now it's your turn. You'll need a large sheet of paper. (A3)

Don't forget to include:-

  • your house
  • buildings you pass
  • street furniture - post box, street lamps, bench
  • features - ponds, field, roundabout
  • street names
  • school

Don't forget to send a picture in!

Week 6

You can now draw maps from an aerial view and know about a compass points.

This week we are going to learn some map reading skills.

When you look at a read map there are not lots of words and labels. Map makers use symbols or pictures instead.

Below are some map symbols. Do you know what they are?

Here is a picture of more map symbols.

Look at these maps. Can you see the symbols at the side of the maps?

This is called a key.   It tells you what the symbols on the map means.

Can you find out what all the features are using the keys?

Your challenge this week is to create a map using symbols and a key.

Your map could be of a place you know, school, a farm, a zoo, a park, or imaginary, like a treasure island, a fairytale land.

There are some examples to help you below.


Here some extra map reading activities for you.
School Illustration