Computing across the Curriculum
At Bishops Waltham Infant School, we believe there are so many opportunities for Computing and Information Communication Technology (ICT) across the school and curriculum. We know that other subjects not only depend on ICT but can also be enhanced by it. That's why we use technology within other subjects; not just during Computing lessons!
We use online educational videos, interactive games and quizzes as tools to support and enhance our teaching and learning. BugClub, SumDog and Busy Things are three online learning platforms that we also use to encourage reading, maths, spelling and foundation subject-based learning. Each child has their own login for these platforms and is encouraged to use them both inside and outside of school.
The staff in our school love to get creative and fill the children with awe and wonder so are often busy creating videos to show the children as a hook into a new project or even videos that the children star in!
We are always on the lookout for up-to-date technological resources and we are constantly thinking of ways to include ICT within our curriculum to spark the children’s interests and develop their skills.
We also use Tapestry as an online platform to communicate children's learning with their parents/carers. Every parent/carer has a login and is alerted when a new piece of learning has been uploaded. This allows the teachers to share amazing learning and photos with parents all year round; not just at Parent Meetings.