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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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This week we would like you to practise taking away.

There are many words used to 'take away' such as 'subtract' and 'minus'. See how many you can list. Talk to your child about how these are the same and want us to do the same thing. By taking away you are going to be having less of an amount.

Here are some ideas of how you could do this. You do not have to do all of them just pick the ones that you would like to do.

Subtraction (Sesame Studios)

What does it mean to subtract? If you have 5 pieces of pizza and you take away 2 pieces of pizza, then you've subtracted! That's right, subtract means to take away!

Numberblocks - Learn to Count | Learn to Subtract

Online Links:

NEW! Sum dog Challenge


The teachers have set you a challenge!

Log in to your new Sum dog account and see if you can beat this weeks challenge. A few of your questions will be asking you to take away so use what you have learnt to help you. You should have been emailed your child's login last week.

Worksheets linked to Taking away


Some parents have requested worksheet activities so here are some linked to taking away. We try to make learning as hands on as possible for Year R children so please don't feel you have to complete all of these. We also understand some of you might not have printers.



Are you up for a challenge? Have a go at completing this practical challenge using things around your house.

Number of the Day 14

Here's a video all about the number 14! Take a look to find out what 14 looks like, what it looks like on a number track, on a 10 frame and how to use the pa...

School Illustration