This week, our final week of learning about New Zealand we will be reading and writing riddles.
Monday 8th February 2021
What is a riddle? Follow the link below to find out.
The riddle a day activity is good fun - you may like to have a go at each activity daily or spend your Monday doing all 5 activities. It is up to you!
A riddle a day. You may like to come back to this PowerPoint and have a go at the daily activity. Or you may like to complete all of the riddles on Monday.
Tuesday 9th February 2021
These landforms are so big
They cannot be missed
The world’s most famous one
Is called Everest
What is it?
That's right! It's a mountain!
What was it that made this easy to solve?
Was it the clues? The mountain language like landform? Or was it the picture? or perhaps the rhyme?
To make a riddle effective you need to include small hints and language to make the reader try and solve the puzzle.
Read the Geography riddles and talk about the parts that you like or think are effective.
Wednesday 10th February
Today you are going to try out a new way of recording your ideas on Jamboard.
Click on your class link and you will be taken to a set of pictures which you can add your own sticky notes to. Everyone in your class can add their sticky note and it will hopefully end up full of good words for us to use in our writing tomorrow.
Please can you add 1 sticky note to each image and if someone has added your word, try and think of another.
Hedgehog Class click here
Fox Class click here
Frog Class click here
Below is an example of what your class Jamboard will look like (it will change each time someone adds their sticky note!)
You now need to choose one of the images that you would like to write a riddle about. Keep checking back on your Jamboard as your friends add their words. The more words we gather, the better the riddle will be!
Thursday 11th February 2021
Today you will be writing your own riddle about New Zealand or something in the country like a volcano or mountain.
First look at the Geography PowerPoint again and remind yourself of how riddles work.
See if you can add to the riddles in the PowerPoint to make them better as these ideas may help you to write your own. Remember it is ok to magpie (borrow) a word or phrase but not the whole riddle!
A good riddle needs really effective language. You want to show off the vocabulary that you know and use it to help the reader guess what the riddle is about. Click on your Jamboard link from yesterday's learning and use the collection of words available.
Some riddles rhyme. This is a tricky skill to have and we do not expect you to rhyme your riddle. If you want to have a go, you are more than welcome.
What we are looking for...
Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stops/exclamation mark/question mark at the end.
Subordination - start one of your sentences with when/if/because eg When you look at me you will see my tall trunk.
Questions - include one question, with a question mark at the end.
Coordination - use the words and but or to extend your sentence.
Contractions - I'm, It's, Don't
If you have been learning about suffixes in Group 3 you could include words ending in -ful -ly -ness