Please do not look at the video or start the task until after our Zoom on Monday 18th 9.30am
Wolf meets the Three Little Pigs again! I wonder what will happen...

Your Task - Part One:
Watch the video above and discuss. It looks like the Wolf and the Pigs have made friends again. I wonder what they may do now they are friends? Maybe they will want to go for a picnic at the beach? They might possibly want to go on holiday!
Your task is going to be writing a story about what they do next but first you must plan your idea.
Use the sheet below to draw pictures of what happens at the beginning, middle and end of your story. You may want to label your plan to remind of you of key information.
Please see Miss Campbells example below for some ideas.
Your teachers will explain this further in our Live Teaching Zoom on Monday 18th January
Your Task- Part Two:
Now you have made your plan it is time for you to start writing your story. We have set you the extra challenge of including some of your key story language that you have been learning such as 'Once upon a time', 'Unfortunately', 'Luckily' and 'Happily ever after'.
Have a watch of Miss Campbells video below to help you get started.
Don't forget when your writing to think about your handwriting, use finger spaces, capital letters at the start and a full stop at the end. See below for a finger space character to help you remember your finger spaces.
We know this is a lot of writing so we suggest you could spread this out over the week and write a part a day.
How to start your story

Below is Miss Campbells finished story for you to read and enjoy at home. I have added speech into my story but this is not something we expect the children to include in theirs.
Enjoy! We look forward to reading yours!
Get ready for our performance of 'The Three Little Pigs' - Wednesday 20th January 9.30 on Zoom
Make sure you are performance ready!
Finish practicing your actions and rehearsing the story ready for our class performance on Wednesday the 20th 9.30am. This will be through Zoom.
If you are unsure of the actions please click on the link below to see Miss Harper demonstrate the actions.
We know some of you have came up with some of your own extra actions and we would love to see them so please send us a video on Tapestry.
We look forward to seeing you all tell us the story
Weekly Diary Entry:
Every week we would like you to write a diary entry in the exercise book we gave you, about something you have done at home. For example this could be what you did for your daily exercise, something you made, a piece of work you were proud of or maybe a story you really enjoyed.
Your grown up can photograph your writing and put it on Tapestry so we can see what you are doing. We look forward to reading them each week.
Reading and Word Practice:
Remember to read and practice your words at least 3 times a week. Click on the link below to see some fun ways to practice your words at home.
Tapestry Challenge!
We are glad you love us sharing a story with you at the end of they day but we really miss hearing you read We would love it if you could please send us in a video of you reading at home.
There are a few different websites that are currently giving you free access to different activities, games and books for your child to enjoy online. You may have to sign up to access some of them. These websites are:
.Teach Your Monster to Read App (Currently Free)
.Oxford Owl Reading
.Bug Club (2 month free trial only)
.Phonics Play
You could also practice your reading by playing the Silly Sentences game. See the video below to see how you can play this game.
Challenge! Could you draw a picture to match your silly sentences. Can you write a sentence that is not silly.
Maybe you would like to have a go at playing one of the reading games on twinkl go; 'What sound is in the word?' Or 'Phonic Game Bingo'.
Click on the link below and enter the code