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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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This week are exciting writing is to write a diary page as a Victorian child.

The children will write about a day in their life, from getting up, the clothes they put on, the jobs they have to do, going to school and their home.


Activity 1

The children might like to watch the Victorian Experience powerpoint again to remind them about a day in the life of a Victorian child.

Below is a diary page written by written by Alice about her day:-

In the speech bubble below the children will write 3/5 facts about their lives.

Here is an example:-


Here is the speech bubble the children will use. Don't forget capital letters, full stops and finger spaces between words.

Activity 2

Today we are going to revisit sentence starters.

Remember sentence starters help us sequence our story and make the sentences more interesting.


We are going to be Sentence Opener Spotters.

Can you spot all the openers in Alice's Diary? An adult can read it to you.

You could draw a circle around the word, use a highlighter or write a list.

Below is the dairy page to use and you can view the answer sheet.

Activity 3

Finally we are going to write our own diary page just like Alice. Write straight into your Blending Learning Book.

You are a Victorian child living on a farm just like Arthur and Alice so you will use 'I' in your writing.

Try to use your time openers!


Write about your day.

Think about these questions as you write about your day.

When did you get up?

What did you do?

What was for breakfast?

Did you have jobs to do before school?

What happened when you get to school?

Did you or your friends get into trouble or have to wear the dunce's hat?

What did you have for lunch?

What games did you play?

What did you do when you got home?


Remember there is no electricity so no TV or computer games!


Below is an example of a dairy page:-




School Illustration