This week we would like you to keep practising adding two numbers together. Here are lots of ideas for how you could do this. You do not have to do all of them just pick the ones you would like to do.
Domino addition
Do you have a set of dominoes at home? You can use these to help practise adding two numbers together. Simply add the 2 sides together. Can your child record the number sentence using a + and = symbols.
Or play a game such as Snakes and Ladders. Roll 2 dice. How many spaces can you move altogether?
Use the numbers in your word wallet to create your addition number sentences to solve
Printable Activities and Games To Play
Additon Bingo Game
Worksheets linked to addition
Some parents have requested worksheet activities so here are some linked to addition. We try to make learning as hands on as possible for Year R children so please don't feel you have to complete all of these. We also understand some of you may not have printers.