Week 4 15/3/21
It has been lovely having all the children back this week. They have all settled back really well and have enjoyed showing us what they have learnt.
You may have seen your child talking to themselves in the mirror this week. This is because we have introduced our first trick box called, 'Mirror Mirror'. This activity encourages children to self-talk and share the positives things about themselves. We will be building on this next week.
We are carrying on with our growing Project ‘How Does Your Garden Grow?’
In Literacy we are reading poetry and the children will be writing their own garden poem.
Don’t forget we have Bug Club and this will continue to be used at home and in school.
In Maths we will be focusing on addition using a bead string.
Remember our PE day is Thursday. Don’t forget to send your child in full PE kit on that day.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Kind regards,
Year R Team