Week 5 23.11.20
Welcome to the final week of our project 'Pick a Puppet'.
Literacy and DT
This week we are performing our puppet shows to the class.
We are using the story version we learnt as our script.
At home you could tell the story using your puppet. A grown could read the script and you say your character's words. You could use toys to be the other characters!
You could even make a stage. Use a table to hide behind and create some scenery, especially a bridge.
The puppet shows we perform in school will be posted in the password only page later in the week so take a look!
After we have performed your puppet show think about 2 things you thought were really good and the something you think you would change or add. Write about your show or the ones you've watched in your Blended Learning Book.
Now here are some quizzes for you to try. One is about the Billy Goats Gruff story and the other is about the equipment we have learnt about and used.
The answers are below!
This weeks maths is all about place value.
Place value is the value of each digit in a number. For example, the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50; however, the 5 in 5,006 represents 5 thousands, or 5,000. It is important that children understand that whilst a digit can be the same, its value depends on where it is in the number.
Below is the link to a very short film which explains what place value is
Below are 2 videos which explain place value a bit more.
To start the children need to recognise numbers up to 100.
ICT games also has a game call '100 Hunt' which is a fun way to recognise and find numbers on a 100 square.
Next the children need to learn to count in 10s.
10, 20, 30, 40,...
Use the number square to help them recognise the numbers as they count forwards and backwards.
For this activity you will need something to count. To start you will need 20 objects.
Lego blocks are ideal because they will fix together but you will need 20 blocks all the same size and shape!
You can also use pasta, buttons, beads etc
Give your child a pile of items eg 12
Ask the child to count out 10 from the pile. (if you are using lego join them together in a tower)
Now you you have a tower of 10 and 2 left over.
How many all together?
That's right 12. 10 and 2 make 12
We say:-
12 has 1 set of ten and 2 ones.
You could use this frame to help you:-
Place your tower of 10 in the tens box and the 2 ones on the other.
Now try other amounts up to 20.
What happens with 20? Yes 2 towers of ten and no ones!
If your child is confident up to 20 try larger piles up to 30.
In school we use dienes equipment to explore and learn about place value.
It looks like this:-
We are only going to use tens and ones.
Below is a page of dienes you can cut out and use.
Using the dienes blocks give the children a pile of 14 ones.
Ask the children to count out 10 ones.
Exchange the 10 ones for 1 ten block.
Now you will have 1 ten and 4 ones like this:-
Now try with other numbers up to 20.
When your child is confident doing this increase the size of the numbers - exchange every 10 counted for a ten block.
When they can do this ask the children to make a given number using the dienes. Start with a low number and build up.
Finally the children are going to record the tens and ones for given numbers within 100.
Pick a number on the 100 square.
Make it with dienes.
Record like this:-
Finally do you know which numbers these dienes are showing?