Diary Entry:
Every week we would like you to write a diary entry in your exercise book we gave you about something you have done at home. We look forward to reading them when you are back.
You could ask your grown up to photograph your writing and send it to your teacher via email or on the blog. The teachers will be sharing what they have been up to on the blog.
This weeks Task:
This week we would like you to research a farm animal of your choice. You could choose a pig, goat, cow, donkey, horse or any other animal you may find on the farm.
You could use books or the internet to research the animal of your choice.
Below is a box it up sheet for you to fill in. I have used the internet to research Pigs and have filled in my own box it up sheet. You do not have to use full sentences, just words and notes. Remember to think carefully about what your animal looks like and write lots of interesting words to describe your animal.
You will be using your box it up sheet in the future to write a fact file about the animal you have chosen.
You can send your box it up sheets to the Year R email for your teachers to see. We will look forward to seeing them.
Remember to read at least 3 times a week.
Use the Phonic Sheets we have sent home or the PowerPoint to practice saying all the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds we have learnt in school. How many have you got correct?
To help decide which phonic activities are appropriate for your child ask them whose Phonic group they are in.
If they are with Miss Turner, Miss Campbell or Mrs Atkinson then they need to select the Phase 3 Activities.
If they are with Mrs Wombell, Mrs Anderson or Miss Meek then they need to select the Phase 2 Activities.
Hope this helps