Guidance for Emailing and Blogging
Guidance for blogging and emailing.
Thank you so much for your messages. We enjoy hearing what you are all doing at home. You can share your child’s learning or send us a message through the blog, or through your year group email.
The email addresses for the 3 year groups are:
You do not need to log in in order to leave a comment or reply to a post. Simply, click on MENU on the blogging home page, select which blog you wish to view, and then the post you want to read. At the bottom of the post, an "add a comment" section will appear where you can write your reply, and add your name. Don't forget - it will not show up until a teacher has approved it.
If you wish to post a photo - you will need to log in.
On the Blogging Page
1.Press Menu.
2. Press Log in.
3. Select your year group.
4. Type in your 'class name' followed by a dot and then 'class'.
e.g. fox.class rabbit.class hedgehog.class
5. Enter the password - Bwis2020
6. From here you can select the blog you wish to reply to, either by clicking on the teacher’s name and then the post, or clicking on a post on the main home page.
7. Scroll down and you will find a photo icon in the "add comment" section of the post.
8. Please log out afterwards.
We look forward to hearing from you.