Number bonds!
This week we will be focussing on number bonds, making sure we know them really well ready for year 2, and solving problems using them.
By now, you should know all the pairs of numbers that add together to make 10.
Here's a reminder of the Number Bond song to help you remember.
Here are some problems you can solve using the Numicon pictures.
Beanbag Buckets!
This is a practical activity to you can play in the garden with bean bags, balls and any containers or flowerpots. Stick labels on the containers to give each bucket a score.
We have been learning number bonds to 10 (numbers that add to make 10). A frame has been included to help you keep a record of your score. Each number can be represented by an item such as buttons, coins, pebbles, leaves etc.
If I scored 4, 4, 3, use the tens frames and then record it as number sentence and use the tens frames to recognise number facts you know. Here is an example...
So 4 + 4 + 3 = 11
Here is the tens frame for you to have a go! Good luck!
Number Bonds to 20!
Can you play this game to practise the pairs?
Don't forget to make your target number 10! Then shoot the balls to match the number bonds, and watch the balls disappear. Good luck!
Now can you use the Numicon pictures to solve the bonds to 20?
Once you know the bonds to 10, you can work out your bonds to 20 quite easily!
Have a go at this activity, see if you can spot the pattern. Did you notice anything? I've started it for you.
All the downloads for this week.
Week 2
This week we are learning to tell the time. We will re-visit o'clock and half past and then learn how to read quarter past and quarter to.
First we will practise o'clock and half past.
Let's think about quarter past and quarter to. Look at the posters below.
Week 3
This week's learning is all about money! You will need some coins to use-real or toy. I have also added a sheet of coins to cut out.
Below are 3 shops:-
The Castle Gift Shop
The Toy Shop
The Fruit Shop
There are 3 levels of shop. So when you feel confident with Shop 1 you can try Shop 2 and then the challenge of Shop 3. But don't worry if you stay in Shop 1, money is very tricky!
Underneath the shops is a list of activities to try with the children during the week. One or two a day!
Have fun!
Dear grown ups
If you want to print the shops out you may need to change the 'VIEW' after you upload it as it may look muddled.
Click on VIEW at the top of the page. Select LAYOUT and then LANDSCAPE view.
The shop should now look correct and you can print it out!!
Week 4
This week we are problem solving with money.
Calculate how much is in these purses.
Week 5
Hello Year 1. This week is all about the 100 square!
By the end of Year 1 you should be able to count forwards and backwards from any number up to 100.
Some of you can count beyond 100.
Let's start with a 100 square!
Here are some activities to get us started:-
- Count to 100. Can you count backwards too?
- Ask a grown up to give you a number to find. How fast did you find it?
- Ask a grown up to say a number. Count on or back from that number.
- ask a grownup to cover a number. Can you work out what it is
- What patterns can you see?
- Can you find one more or one less than a given number?
- Count in 2s, 5s or 10s.
- Can you count in 10s from any number? What do you notice?
- Can you find 10 more or 10 less than a given number?
Here are some games to try.
Please check the settings so the number square starts at 1.
Now try these 10 more or 10 less problems.
Use the 100 square to help you.
Week 6
Hello everyone. This week we are returning to Place Value or tens and ones.
Below is a video to help explain what we mean by 10s and 1s.
In the classroom we use 10s and 1s equipment called Dienes. It is a physical representation of 10s and 1s.
Below is a short video to show you what we mean.
There is also a paper copy of dienes to cut out and use with the children.
Activities with the cut out dienes.
- Ask the child to make a given number using the dienes
- Give them a number as dienes and ask them to tell you what number it is.
- Ask them to make a number with 3 tens or 6 tens and tell you what the number is.
- Ask them to make a number with 4 tens and 8 ones. What number is it?
- Ask them to explain how they know this number is 52. They should say 'because it has 5 tens and 2 ones'
- Make 'stairs' - 10 and 1, 10 and 2, 10 and 3.... What happens when you get to 20? or 30...
- Give them a written number and they make it in dienes
- Give them a number in dienes and ask them to write the number down.
Week 7
We are continuing with place value this week.
So practise counting in 10s from any number!
We are going to use arrow cards.
There is a short video to show you how to use them. More cutting out I'm afraid.
Start with making 2 digit numbers with the arrow cards.
Ask the children to make a given number. The ones sit on top of the 10s arrow card, the points together.
when they stretch them out they can see that 20 and 6 is 26
Now give the children a 2 digit number and ask them what the 10s and ones are eg 26 is 20 and 6.
If your child is really confident add in the 100 arrow cards. A printable set is below.
It is the same idea 126 is 100 and 20 and 6.