Week 1 7.6.21
Dear Parents and Carers
We hope you have had a lovely half term. Welcome back to the last half term and our final project 'Oh I do like to be beside the Sea!'.
Our project starts with a field trip to Portsdown Hill, the old sea walls and Southsea sea front. Below are few reminders about the trip:-
- Wear sensible waterproof shoes, preferably trainers. There will be quite a lot of walking including the beach.
- Bring a backback. The children will be carrying this all day with their lunch, drinks, coats and sketch books in.
- School uniform to be worn. The children will need a light waterproof coat, sunhat and jumper. Hopefully we will have lovely weather as we will be outside all day!
- Please apply sunscreen before school.
We are really looking forward to our first school trip!
There is a powerpoint about the trip below.
And look out for photos on the Hook and Outcome pages.
Our literacy this week is based around the trip and the children will be writing an account of their day. Maths is revisiting time and introducing quarter to and quarter past times.
Finally as we are moving towards the end of term we will exploring 'change' as part of the Personal, Social and Health education sessions. Please could each child bring in a photo of themselves as a baby or toddler. You can send them in via the above email address or Tapestry. Thank you.
Don't for get to check into Tapestry as we upload the children's work and activities every week.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team

Below are some Eye-Spy Activity sheets for you to use when you are out and about in Bishops Waltham.
How many geographical features will you spot?