Learning Activities
Dear Children, Parents and Carers
We have reached the end of a strange year of learning. We hope you have enjoyed the Year 1 projects. We have loved seeing the learning you have sent us.
Thank you grown ups for your support and children for carrying on learning. We are so proud of you!
If you'd like to continue learning over the Summer please continue to practise
- phonics
- handwriting
- spelling
- maths - money, time, number bonds to 20, tens and ones, TT rock stars and Sumdog.
You can even revisit the project pages and try the activities you've missed!
Have a lovely Summer. We are looking forward to seeing you all in September.
Best Wishes
Mrs Campone, Mrs Barnaby, Mrs Charles and Mrs Moth xx
Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the current week's learning.
After Easter
Week 2 (WB 27.4.2020)
Week 3 (WB 4.5.2020)
Week 5 (18.5.2020)
Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!