Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
We’ve had a message, there are problems in Fairy Tale Land!
The Three Pigs need a bigger, stronger house to live in.
The Gingerbread Man would like a vehicle that can get him across the river! They both need our assistance to decide which design and materials would be best.
To help, the children will need to know the stories and the characters really well and learn about materials and their properties.
We had a surprise visit from one of the three little pigs!!! The children were amazed to find a pig sitting in the classroom. Unfortunately, the little pig was very upset after the Wolf blew his house down but thankfully the Year R children were there to help him out .
The little pig explained that his brothers and himself had to leave their Mothers home and each build their own homes but that the Wolf had came and blown his down. The pig told us that he didn't know where the Wolf was now but explained to us that if we read the 'Three Little Pig' story that we would find out what the Wolf was like. The children came up with lots of ideas to help the pig.
"Run, run as fast you as you. You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
The children could not believe their eyes.... Gingerbread men running around the school!
After sharing a video with the children of the Gingerbread men running around our school the children decided it was time to take action. They set off to work designing and building traps, creating wanted posters and searching for clues.
How many of these fairy tales have you read?
We have been busy cooking our own gingerbread men. Luckily they didn't run away like the one in the story.
The children in reception have been very busy this half term finding out about ‘People who Help Us’.
A doctor came to visit us and talked to us about what happens if you have to go to hospital. We used a stethoscope to listen to our heart beats.
We also had a visit from a PCSO who talked to us about her job in the community and how to stay safe. We got to go in the police car and heard the siren. We had lots of fun trying on her uniform .