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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Push and Pull


This week we are continuing to explore pushing and pulling. A push or pull is a type of force. A force makes things move.


However... Do we always have to push or pull something to make it move?


Explore some of these tasks and see what you think!


Task 1: Go outside on a windy day and ask your child to look at things moving in the wind. eg. trees moving, windmills, water wheels etc. Discuss with your child what they think it is that is causing these things to move? Share your ideas with us on the blog or by email.


Task 2: Flap the Fish Activity

Use newspaper fans to have a go at moving paper fish across the floor. How does this work? Do you have to touch it? What happens? Share your ideas with us on the blog or by email.


Task 3: Ball Rolling Experiment

Follow the instructions below. Share with us what you found on the blog or by email.

Task 4: Pinwheel Activity

Follow the instructions below. Share with us what you found by commenting on the blog or by email.

Push and Pull Quiz:


Have a go at our Push and Pull Quiz. Go to google and type in Kahoot! Click on to the website and select, 'enter pin' and then type in the code below. Its then ready for you to play. Enjoy and goodluck!

School Illustration