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This week we will be learning to count in 2's and recognising and naming 3D shapes. We will also be talking about our number of the week.

Counting in Two's 


Practise counting in two's with your child.

Can they count sets of socks? Or how much money they have in  2p coins? 

2D and 3D Shapes



Here are lots of ideas for how you can learn about 2D and 3D shapes. You do not have to do all of them just pick the ones you would like to do.


                                             2D shapes to learn:                             3D shapes to learn:

                                                       circle                                                         sphere

                                                     triangle                                                       cone

                                                     square                                                      cylinder

                                                    rectangle                                                      cube

                                                   pentagon                                                    cuboid

                                                    hexagon                                                   pyramid


Sorting Shapes


If you have some masking tape at home have a go at creating some 2D shapes on the floor. Failing this you could always draw the shapes on large paper. Encourage your child to hunt round the house for different objects that they could sort into the right shapes. Can they explain to you why they have matched the items? Or if they have got one matched incorrectly can they understand why it is wrong?


Your child might find objects that are 3D so it is important to discuss with your child why they are 3D shapes and not 2D shapes. 



Shape Hunt


Have a look at the pictures below. The teachers have been busy searching for different shapes in their houses.

Can you go on a shape hunt around your house. What shapes can you find? Remember to upload a picture to Tapestry of what you find.


                          Look what Miss Turner found                                      Look what Miss Campbell found.


Making Shapes


Use some playdough or salt dough to make 3D shapes. Can you make a cube, sphere, cone, pyramid, a cylinder and a cuboid?

Have you got any straws at home to make some shapes? You could fix them together with playdough, Blu Tack, jelly tots or even mini marsh mellows. 



Hidden Shapes

Make a collection of small objects that are 3D shapes, such as a small ball, a toy building brick, a dice and a glue stick. Hide the objects in a bag and then put your hand into the bag to choose one of the objects. Describe the shape to an adult and see if they can guess the shape you are holding. Then, they could describe a shape for you to guess.


For example- my shape has 3 sides and 3 corners. What shape is it? 


Online Games Links


Worksheets linked to shape 


Some parents have requested worksheet activities so here are some linked to shape. We try to make learning as hands on as possible for Year R children so please don't feel you have to complete all of these. We also understand some of you may not have printers.

Number of the Week


In class we have a number of the week display. This display is to encourage the children to use deeper thinking skills about numbers. 


This week our focus number is 12.


Ideas to discuss and help your child learn are:

  • count the number of objects needed to make the number
  • write the number correctly
  • count backwards from 12
  • count on from 12
  • say numbers before or after 12
  • do we have an 12p coin? How could we make 12p
  • double the number
  • say 1 more and less than 12
  • recognise 12 o' clock on a clock

Number of the Week 12

Here's our Number of the Week - Number 12! What numbers are less than 12? What does 12 look like? Which pairs of numbers add together to make 12? Let's find out!

School Illustration