Week 4
Brrr! It's getting chilly out there, Autumn is definitely on its way. Don't forget to wrap up warm!
This week we are reading the story Cleversticks, a story about a boy who decides he no longer wants to go to school because everyone there can do lots of things that he can't.
Have a listen to the story to find out what happens to Ling Sung.
This week, we are thinking about what we are good at. We all have special skills and talents, and we will be sharing them and then writing a sentence.
I can play the piano.
I can do ballet.
I can run fast.
What are you good at? Perhaps you play a sport, or maybe you're very good at drawing. Or, you might be good at singing, or know all your numbers. Have a think about what your special skill is. Can you think of someone else's special skills? You could be a kind friend and tell them what you think they're good at, I'm sure it will brighten their day!
In our project work this week, we will be creating a self-portrait. Did you know a self-portrait is when you create a picture of yourself? Have a look closely in the mirror, what colour eyes do you have? What shape is your face? What other features of your face are important when drawing yourself?
Here is a short video you can watch to practise drawing your self-portrait.
This week we are learning about length and height. We will be comparing the length and height of different objects using mathematical language.
Can you order 3 items in your house from tallest to shortest, or longest to shortest?
If you picked 3 of your toys, can you order them from shortest to tallest?
We will be drawing around our foot and cutting it out. This will be used to find 3 things longer than your foot, and 3 things shorter.
Perhaps at home, once you have completed this, you could try measure how many feet long your sofa is, or your bed? What if an adult at home laid down, how many of your feet tall are they? You could even cut out an adults foot and see what the difference is between yours and their feet!
In phonics this week, we are focussing on these sounds:
e r u h b ck
Here is a quick game you can play - you will need a dice. Look at the top of the page to see which sound you will colour in when you roll a certain number. Which sound will you fill in all of first? Good luck!
Have a look at these links to practise the sounds:
ck: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2yf4j/articles/z6wxmfr
e: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhqt6v4
u: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zn2phbk
r: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfxsnrd
h: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvhvy9q
b: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2yf4j/articles/zbnb382
Have a good week!