Activity 1
Today we are going to find out why the Victorian era is called this. We are going to find out about a very important lady called Queen Victoria.
Watch the powerpoint below to find out all about her!

Now you've watched the powerpoint complete this questionnaire.
How much did you remember?
Activity 2
An important way to show historical information about events over time is to use a timeline.
A timeline helps us understand when things happen in order like this:-
Make a timeline of your life. Ask a grown up to help you.
You can draw pictures or stick on photos for each year of your life.
Activity 3
We are going to make a timeline for Queen Victoria.
We are going to use these 5 events.
Let's look at one of the cards.
Can you see the big number? This is the year Queen Victoria became queen.
Do you know how to say it?
You say it like this 18 - 37.
Talk about the cards with your grown up. Can you order them by the year? Look at the last 2 numbers so you know which number comes next. Does 37 come after or before 61?
Stick the pictures on the timeline in the right order. Then you can write 3 facts you have found out about Queen Victoria. Watch the powerpoint again to help you.
Finally there are more events in Queen Victoria's timeline below. As an extra activity you could print these out and make a really long timeline on the floor!