We are going to continue to practise joining letters together making words.
These words are ones you use in your writing all the time.
- Each letter starts on the line with an entry stroke
- Keep your pencil on the paper until you have finished the word, then dot the 'i's and cross the 't's.
- Sit you letters on the line. Some letters like 'g j p q y' have descenders which go below the line.
- Capital letters never join up.
Activity 1
This is our live lesson. You can use the practise sheet or write the words in your blended learning book.
Activity 2
This time we are going to practise words with 'th' in the them.
You can practise these words in different ways.
Try these:-
- paint brush and water on a wall or patio
- painting the letters
- using chalk, felt tips, markers, crayons, pens
- using a finger in a tray of sand, shaving foam or flour
- using different coloured paper or on large pieces of paper