Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Special Objects:
In Literacy this week we have been thinking and writing about someone that is special to us. However, it isn't only people that are special to us it can be objects that are special too.
Talk with your child about how you may know if something is a special object. You may want to discuss whether it is kept somewhere safe? Is it specially wrapped for protection? Is it handled carefully? Maybe it is old and antique? Or maybe it is special for a sentimental reason?
Share with your child your special object and tell them why it is special to you. You may want to ask your Grandparents or other family members if they have a special object to share. Finally ask your child to think about whether they have a special object and why it might be special to them.
We would love to hear about them so please send us a picture of your special objects and what you have learnt. You may want to draw a picture of your special objects or tell us about it on our phone calls.
Here are some things that are special to Miss Campbell and her family:
This is Miss Campbell's Medal that she received for completing her Skydive Challenge and raising money for Rowans Hospice. This is my special object because it is something i am very proud of doing. I have a big fear of heights but i was brave and decided to jump out of a plane to try and raise as much money for this fantastic charity. I was awarded this as a thank you from Rowans Hospice. Have you ever been awarded a medal or trophy? What was it for? Is it special to you?
This is Miss Campbell's Fiance's special object. This is his family tree that his Grandad worked very hard on for many years. It tells you all of the members of his family going back to the year 1750! Have you ever seen a family tree before? This is very special to him and his family because it tells them a lot of information about their family members.
This is Miss Campbell's Nans special object. This is her fathers MM Medal and statement which describes his action of bravery which awarded him with his medal. Have you seen one of these before? This is her special object because she is very proud of her father.
This is a special object that was found in Miss Campbell's home when she moved in. It is very old.
Can you guess what you think this might be?