Our Children live in a town steeped in History with links to Henry V and Agincourt, he gathered his army here before setting off for France. We even have our own ruined Bishop’s Waltham Palace ruins which date fro the 12th centuary!
Recently a family excavating their garden fro building works uncovered an ironage buriel ground with skeletons and the remains of a round house. Bishops Waltham has a history of settlement going back hundreds of years.
We are in easy reach of important Historic places such as Nelson’s Victory, Manor Farm Victorian experience, Portchester Castle and Little Woodham, which allows children to step back in time to the 1600s. Access to Hampshire Wardrobe provide the children to touch, try on and try out artefacts from all periods of history and we have an extensive collection ourselves including a mangle and a bath tub!
We bring History alive for our children and hopefully give them a life long love of finding out about the past.
Our History Curriculum
The National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 states that:-
'Pupils should develop an awareness of the past... They should know where the people and events they study fit...identify similarities and differences between ways of life... use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms... know and understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different ways in which it is represented. '
A History Planning Framework @Jane Warwick |
Chronology (the concept of time is at the centre of history) |
When did this event happen? Start and end dates. The time period. who was the monarch? Where does this event fit in relation to other historical events? What is the order or sequence of events? Which are the key events? Recording events on a Timeline. |
Cause and Consequence |
What happened? What caused it to happen? What happened as a result? What changes have happened and what has remained the same? What similarities and differences are there between events in different time periods and today? |
Interpretation |
Using a range of source materials including books, paintings, documents, artefacts and diaries. Using primary and secondary sources and exploring their reliability and validity. Exploring inference and deduction using sources. using evidence to make judgements, conclusions and reasoning. |
Significance |
Why was the event significant? Why do we remember it? Who were the significant people in the event? Why? What legacy do we have from this event today? |
Historical Enquiry |
Questioning. Researching. Concluding with evidence leading to a depth of undestanding. |
At Bishops Waltham Infant School we provide a high-quality history education which will help our children understand Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through hands on experience and visits we aim to inspire the children’s curiosity to know more about the past. Our lessons are carefully planned to encourage pupils to ask questions, think critically, study evidence, think about arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.
Below you will find the Project Overviews for each year group.
In Year R History concepts and understanding is taught through the ' Understanding the World' section of the Early Years' Curriculum.
'Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.'
Year R Year 1 Year 2

Year R
Year R Projects

Year 1
Year 1 History Overview
The Year 1 History led Project is 'Victorian Childhood'
History is also a secondary lead subject in 'Oh I do Like to be Beside the Sea' where the children learn about Victorian Seaside Holidays.
Year 2
Year 2 have two History led projects:-
- Fire! Fire! - which covers the Great Fire of London
- Life on the Ocean Wave - which covers the life of Admiral Nelson.
Aspects of History also occur in projects such as 'Pirates'- life for a pirate in History.