We have found something! I wonder what it could be?
Miss Campbell found something very strange. Have a look at the video on the main page to see what Miss Campbell found.
Your Task:
Talk to a grown up at home about the video. Share with them your thoughts. Here are a few questions you might want to consider:
Where did Miss Campbell find them?
What do you think they can be?
Have you seen anything like them before?
Will they always look like this?
We think they might be some kind of beans? What do you think?
Your task this week is to write about what we have found; where Miss Campbell found them, what you think they are, and what you think they might grow into.
Have a look below for Miss Campbells example:
Your teachers will go through this with you more as part of our Zoom Monday morning 9.30am
Weekly Diary Entry:
Remember to write in your diary about something that you have been up too this week.
Your grown up can photograph your writing and put it on Tapestry so we can hear what you are doing.
Reading and Word Practice:
Remember to read and practice your words at least 3 times a week. Click on the link below to see some fun ways to practice your words at home.
Don't forget to log into your Bug Club account. The teachers have all allocated books for you to read.
Just click on the picture to take you to the login page.
Tapestry Challenge!
We are glad you love us sharing a story with you at the end of they day but we really miss hearing you read. We would love it if you could please send us in a video of you reading at home.
Tricky Word Hoop Game:
On seperate bits of paper write down the words your child is practising. Stick each piece of paper onto a different bottle with the word clearly visible from afar. Fill the bottles with different coloured liquid. You could use squash, fairy liquid, fizzy drink, food dye etc.
Make a hoop by scrunching up newspaper to form a long sausage shape, bending and taping together.
Take it in turns to shout a tricky word out for you to try and catch. I wonder how many you will get?
Mission to Mars:
Activity from PhonicsFamily
Using a pen split a long strip of paper into 10 boxes and lay on the floor. At the end of the strip place a bowl with your winning prize. This could be a Mars chocolate or something else. On sticky bits of paper write various simple words (These will need to fit in the boxes) and hide them around the house. Your task is to find and place all the words in the boxes. In order to win your prize you must read all 10 words, starting at the bottom and reaching the top. Blast off! You've won!
Can you make your own Reading Den?