Writing Instructions For Planting A Seed
This week we would like you to have a go at writing instructions for 'How to plant a seed'.
Exploring planting a seed
It is really important that before the children write about this that they have the opportunity to explore planting a seed for themselves.
If you can have a go at planting a seed.
Before doing this firstly discuss what you will need and see if your child can help you find those things. eg. Do they know what a shuvel is?
When planting think about the steps you are taking and discuss these as you go along. You might want to take some pictures to remind the children when they are writing.
If you cannot, then please do not worry. We will be modelling planting a seed during our Zoom Tuesday Morning 9.30am.
Or you could watch Mrs Cresswell's video below, demonstrating how to plant a seed.
Mrs Cresswell Planting A Seed

What do instructions look like?
Take the time to explore different instructions and discuss what they look like. You may want to look at games, recipes, back of seed packets etc.
How are they formatted?
Do they have a title?
Do they have pictures?
Discuss the list of ingredients/things you will need
Talk about the bullet points to help list items
Are the steps numbered?
Discuss the types of words they use eg. First, Next.
Why do they use these words?
Bossy Language And The Importance Of Ordering Instructions:
When writing instructions it is important that they are written clear and to the point.
Instructions also include a lot of 'bossy language' and are written in steps so that the person reading is aware of the sequence to follow.
To explore this with your child have a go at completing the activities below:
Bossy Language: Laying the table activity:
It's time to be a little cheeky!
Explain to your child that you need them to set the table ready for breakfast/snack/lunch or dinner. Tell them step at a time what it is they need to go and get but do not say please or thank you. Instead, be a little bossy! eg. go and get that. Now do this...
Once they are half way through making the table ask your child if they think you are being very kind. Discuss how you were being bossy and what words you used that made it seem really bossy.
Now ask your child, saying please, whether they can finishing making the table. But this time be super polite. Once they have finished discuss the language you used this time and how it made them feel.
Finally, look at instruction you have in the house and discuss what language it is they use. Is it bossy language or polite language?
Putting on your coat activity:
Ask your child to give you instructions to put on your coat. Do as they say but when they miss a step or don't make the instructions clear enough, over exaggerate how they might be wrong. For example, when they say put your arm in "there", demonstrate to them that you are not sure where to put your arm. You may put it in the wrong place or put your arm into the opposite sleeve.
Explain to your child that they need to be clear. Keep going until as a team you have managed to come up with the steps to 'putting your coat on.'
Discuss when giving instructions how important it is to make sure you think about what they need to do first and how the steps need to be in order.
Look at instructions you have at home so they can see how they are written.
Time to write your instructions:
Using all you have learnt so far have a go at writing your instructions for 'how to plant a seed.'
Remember to think about:
.Having a title
.Writing what you will need
.Using bullet points
.Numbering your steps
.Thinking about the order of your steps
.Having pictures
.Thinking about your bossy language
.Being clear and to the point
Key Words:
First, Finally, Fill, Put, Get, Cover, Water, Write
Look at Miss Campbells example below to give you an idea of how it could be presented.
You can print the template below to use or you might want to write straight into your books.
Miss Campbells Example:
Weekly Diary Entry:
Remember to write in your diary about something that you have been up too this week.
Your grown up can photograph your writing and put it on Tapestry so we can hear what you are doing.
Reading and Word Practice:
Remember to read and practice your words at least 3 times a week. Click on the link below to see some fun ways to practice your words at home.
Bug Club Reading Books
Don't forget to log into your Bug Club account. The teachers have all allocated books for you to read.
Just click on the picture to take you to the login page.
Tapestry Challenge!
We are glad you love us sharing a story with you at the end of they day but we really miss hearing you read. We would love it if you could please send us in a video of you reading at home.
Tricky Words Pairs Activity:
Flowers Reading Activity:
(From Phonic Family Website)