We are practising our place value skills still.
Click here -> Topmarks and you will find this page.
On the purple row, click the first box - Place Value T | U.
Can you make the different numbers by clicking on the 10s and 1s? Check your answer by pressing "Check" at the end. Good luck!
If you would like a further challenge, have a go at this...
Have a go adding ten to these numbers.

If you want a challenge, have a go at these!

Here are some different challenges for all of the place value learning we have been doing over the last week or 2. You can do 1 or 2, or as many of them as you like!
(For more practise in place value, see yesterday's and last Thursday's learning pages.)

For a challenge - Can you make your own problem like the ones above?
Here is Mrs Moth's challenge:
Otty the Otter thinks there are 5 odd numbers that are smaller than the number 11. Is he correct?
Good luck everyone!