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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Congratulations on our nomination to become a 2020/21 Music Mark School!

It is with great pride that we announce that Bishops Waltham Infant School has been nominated and financially supported by our local Music Service/Hub to become a Music Mark School. They have recognised the value that we place on music and asked to add the school to the growing number of Music Mark Schools.

Our school has been thanked for all the hard work we do to ensure that pupils are able to access and engage with a high-quality music education. Our dedication to offering and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum is both welcomed and celebrated.

The school has also been awarded with a Music Mark School certificate which we will share on the website in our curriculum section.

Congratulations once again to all the children and staff at our wonderful school.


“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”


At our school, we strive to provide a rich music education. Our music curriculum is personalised to our projects and therefore the learning the children undertake is relevant and supports the rest of the curriculum.

We offer many musical opportunities throughout the school year. Our children can play in our music garden at playtimes, improvising and learning about pitch and timbre. In year 2, a music club is offered in which children can learn to play short songs on different instruments. Every week Mrs Moth runs singing assembly, learning a variety of songs relevant to the time of year.

We are lucky at Bishops Waltham Infants School to have musical visitors coming in regularly. From African drumming, to violin and piano performances, the children can experience a range of musical genres in live performance.


Alongside visitors' live performances, at the end of every term we are treated to a RockSteady Concert performed by children of the school. They undertake paid lessons every week, learning how to play different instruments and eventually performing in a band to an audience of family members and the whole school!

Every December, come rain or snow, our school sings Christmas songs to the local community (and Santa!) in St George’s Square. We use this opportunity to showcase and rehearse our songs before performing a whole school Christmas Performance to parents and family of our school.

If you would like to find out more about the Ks1 Music National Curriculum, click here.
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