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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Week 2

We have had a super (and very busy) first week of our new project 'Life on the Ocean Wave'. On Thursday we visited Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and the children were amazing. They showed good listening and asked lots of great questions. World Book Day has also been great fun, we loved seeing all the children dressed up as their favourite book characters. Keep your eyes peeled on Tapestry for some photos from our trip and today.


Next week, in Maths, we will be learning how to tell the time. We will start with reading o'clock and half past and by the end of the week we should be able to read quarter past and quarter to the hour. Some children will also have a go at reading to the nearest 5 minute interval.


In English we will be recounting our trip to the Historic Dockyard. We will then be finding out more about the different jobs on board the HMS Victory and we will be writing a diary entry from the point of view of one of the crew. In Phonics we will be learning how to add the 'ing' suffix by dropping the e or doubling up the consonants.


Just a reminder that Parent/Teacher Meetings are coming up, so make sure you have your appointment booked. Target sheets will be sent home before your meeting. Next Friday will be our SATs workshop, where we will talk about what the papers look like and assessment in Year 2. The zoom link for the workshop and the parent/teacher meetings will be sent out next week, so keep an eye on your emails. 

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