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Below are common exception words the National Curriculum says the children should read and spell by the end of

Year 1.

These are the words in the word wallets.

Please practise reading them and spelling them. Just a few at a time!

Here are some ideas:-

  • make snap or pairs cards to play games
  • write them in sand, flour or shaving foam on a tray
  • fill an empty squeezy bottle with water and write the words on the ground
  • use a paint brush and water to paint the words on the ground or a wall
  • type them on the computer.
  • play the word games on ICT games. (links below)


If you are confident with the Year 1 words try the Year 2 common exception list.

You can also learn:-

  • the days of the week
  • months of Year
  • written numbers up to twenty
  • 'because'
Below are some links to spelling games.

Below is a powerpoint about make root words plural .

Root word - this is the word which is always spelt the same way, never changes whatever you add on!

Plural - adding 's' or 'es' to a root word such as 'one cat (singular) - adding 's' to make two cats'

Now try these worksheets. Can you remember the rules for adding 's' or 'es' to make a singular word plural.

Below are 3 presentations about adding the suffixes -





Don't forget the root word spelling does not change, you just add the suffix you need!


Now try adding -ed or -ing to these words.

Remember to read the word and put it in a sentence!

Let's move on to the suffixes -er and -est. These words are adjectives, describing words. They describe how you doing something like this:-

I run faster than you.

I am the fastest runner.


Below is the link to a presentation all about adding -er and est.

Now try these sheets. Remember to read the words and try them in a sentence.

When we talk, read or write we often see these words - don't, can't, we'll.

These words are called contractions.

It is a short way of saying or writing 2 words.

The apostrophe, ' stands for the missing letters.

Try these activities.

What are the 2 words in the contraction?

Do you know what letters are missing?

Can you read the contractions?

Finally some punctuation practise!

In school we use a purple pen to add or change our writing.

Use a coloured pen or pencil to correct these sentences.

Remember a sentence starts with a capital letter.

Names of people, places, days of the week and months of the year need a capital letter at the beginning too.

Don't forget 'I' is a capital too.

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