SEND Provision
SEND Provision at our school
Bishops Waltham Infant School is a mainstream school where we believe every lesson and day counts, which is why our creative, exciting and enriched curriculum has been developed to enthuse and excite all children. Each child is valued for their own talents, strengths and personality and all succeed during their time with us. Outstanding teaching ensures that all the children in our school enjoy their learning which leads to our attainment in reading, writing and mathematics being consistently above Hampshire and National results.
Our ethos promotes an inclusive school community. The school community, including the governing body, recognise that all children are individuals who have different learning needs. We work hard to ensure all children receive the appropriate challenge and support to achieve to the best of their abilities.
How does our school identify and assess Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, SEND?
- The Special Educational Needs co-ordinator, SENCO, manages the SEND provision within the school.
- SEND identification and provision follows the Government document, the SEND Code Of Practice which gives very clear and specific guidelines
- The identification of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) begins with talking to parents prior to starting school through Early Years meetings, home and school visits.
- The SENCO, Early Years Staff and head teacher visit and liaise with preschools. We work closely with our preschools, or previous schools to identify any special educational needs children may have prior to them joining us. This ensures we have appropriate support in place when they arrive.
- Staff liaise with specialist advisors from the local authority and health service.
- Once children start school we continually monitor and assess the progress of all our children. We track progress, and where expected progress is not being made concerns are raised within the year group, with the SENCo and parents.
- Appropriate support is given by our highly trained and experienced team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) under the direction and supervision of the class teacher and SENCO.
If parents have any concerns at all regarding the progress of their child, or believe they may have an area of special educational need, then we would urge you to talk to the class teacher, SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) or Head teacher.
- Parent Partnership can also offer valuable advice. They can be contacted by phone 01962 845870 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
For more information regarding SEND, please click on our links below. Alternatively, telephone Penny Campone, our skilled Special Needs Coordinator, or make an appointment to see her on a Monday, when she is available to give support and advice.
SENCO - Mrs Penny Campone - (01489) 892375
SEND/Able Child Governor - Mrs Jessica Labram- (01489) 892375
EHC SEN HUB-Useful link for Parents and Carers
Please find below, links to four useful videos for parents and carers. These will also be linked on Hampshire's SEN Local Offer Website. They walk through various elements of the assessment and review processes on the EHC Hub.