Monday we have a picture and word matching activity with air and ear words. Remember to add the sound buttons. This is the last week of our Victorian Childhood project, so we have a PowerPoint on Tuesday where you will be using your phonics to read words used in the Victorian era. Make sure you get them right or it will be the dunce hat for you! Wednesday is dictation this week and there is no phonics session on Thursday as it is World Book Day. Friday is the ever popular Blending Bingo and spellings; we will do both on the morning zoom.
We are continuing to learn the Year 1 spellings and will add new words each week. Don't forget to check that your children are spelling them independently in their everyday writing!
Monday - revisiting 'air' (it's not fair) and 'ear' (hear with your ear) sheet
Tuesday - Victorian phonics PowerPoint
Wednesday - dictation
Thursday - WORLD BOOK DAY - no phonics
Friday - Blending Bingo - 'air' (it's not fair) and 'ure' (sure it's pure) and spellings
Below are the activity sheets for each day.
You can help your child practise spellings in fun ways:-
- try writing them on a wall with a paintbrush and water
- make the words with sticks, playdough or lego
- write them in a tray of sand, shaving foam or flour
- make a snap or pairs game to play together