Week 1 18.10.21
Dear Parents and Carers
It was great to see so many of you at the Project outcome, our first one with parents in a very long time. All the children passed the tests and are Bishops Waltham Superstar Learners!
The children will start a new project on Monday called 'Pick a Puppet'. This is a design and technology project. The children will be designing and making a paperbag puppet for a production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. So our English this week is learning to tell the story with actions, having listened to the story and sequenced it. We will be introducing Purple Pens this week as an editing tool. The children will use them to edit sentences missing punctuation.
In Maths the children are learning about money and recognising the coins we use. They will begin to make amounts using coins up to 10p.
In phonics the sounds we are practising are:-
-er as in better letter
-ure as in sure it's pure
-air as in that's not fair
-ear as in hear with your ear
Have a great week.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team
This is the first week of our new project 'Pick a Puppet'.
To find out more about this project check out the Project Information page.
Literacy and DT
This week we start our project with the 'hook''
The children are invited to watch a puppet show of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff performed by the teachers.
It is awful! The puppets break, the grown ups don't know the story, you can't hear them, there is no scenery and the audience are really noisy!
Oh dear. We're sure you can do much better!
What do you think needs to change to make a good puppet show?
Draw and write your ideas in a bubble diagram like this:-
Have you got a puppet at home? How does it work? Can you make it move?
Ask a grown up to help you find out about different puppets and puppet shows.
You could use the internet or You tube to watch a real puppet show!
Our puppet shows are going to tell the story of the '3 Billy Goats Gruff'.
We are going to learn the story by heart with actions.
We need to know the story very well. Look at these pictures. They are not on the right order to tell the story.
Cut them out and lay them out in the right sequence so you can tell the story. Now stick them in your book.
Now look at these sentences from the story. The author has forgotten the capital letters and full stops!
A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. The sentence must make sense.
Correct these sentences for the author. Try the first one. If you'd like challenge try the second one.

Finally this week we are going to organise our Puppet Show teams. Each team will have four members and each one will have a specific job to do.
We are learning to work together. This is called interdependence.
Here are the 4 jobs the team needs:-
Which job would you chose?
Write a list of what you are going to do.
Maths this week is all about money.
The children will learn to recognise the coins and their values.
So first the children need to see and handle coins.
They will need a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p 20p 50p.
Later they will need at least 10x 1p.
Below is a sheet of coins to cut.
Here are some activities to try with the coins:-
- find the coin - adult asks the child to find a 2p coin or a 10p coin and so on.
- sort the coins - silver coins, brown coins, round coins etc
- order the coins in order of value. 1p 2p 5p...
- using just 1ps make simple values up to 10p
- make values of other coins using 1ps - 2p= 1p 1p 5p = 1p 1p 1p 1p 1p 1p
- chose 2 coins which coin would buy the most sweets?
- make amounts up to 10p using the different coins. 3p = 2p 1p
- how many ways can you make 5p using coins?
- make a shop and go shopping.