Drawing your Favourite Toy
In this project we have been talking about our favourite toys. We have written a fact file and a story about your toy. We would now like you to have a go at drawing/sketching it.
You can colour your toy in or leave it black and white. You could use paint, pens, pencils, crayons etc.
I have uploaded pictures below to give you some ideas of how you could draw your toy.
Mrs Wombell is not very artistic so I have used images from the internet instead
We are looking forward to seeing your drawings.
Body Percussion
You can make music without using instruments.
In the link below, the young musicians begin to make music with help from British RnB singer Omar Lye-Fook.
They create their own melodies and rhythms from just the noises they can make with their bodies.
Click on the link below to access online lessons to make music without any instruments.