Week 2 14.6.21
Dear Parents and Carers
We had a great trip to Southsea. We were very proud of the children who were so well behaved and sensible. We hope they have told you all about it.
There is a powerpoint about the trip in week 1 of the Remote Learning page.
And the photos are now on the trip page. The link is below:-
Our literacy this week is based around the trip and the children will be creating a visitor's leaflet about Southsea. In Maths we are revisiting money. The children will be adding amounts and going shopping.
In Art we will be creating port hole collages of the view of Southsea as you arrive by boat. In ICT the children will be learning to make algorithms for a programmable toy called a beebot.
Finally as we are moving towards the end of term we will exploring 'change' as part of the Personal, Social and Health education sessions. Please could each child bring in a photo of themselves as a baby or toddler by the end of the week. You can send them in via the above email address or Tapestry. Thank you.
Don't for get to check into Tapestry as we upload the children's work and activities every week.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team