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Standards at Bishops Waltham Infant School


Every year, teachers in Year 2 make assessments about the level your child is working at. Previously, children also sat a test too and this assessment process was known as SATs. In 2024, children were no longer required to sit a test a the end of Year 2. Progress will now be assessed at the end of the junior school (KS2), against the baseline assessment they sat when they came into Year R. Teachers at Bishops Waltham Infant School, continue to assess at the end of Key Stage one against the end of Key Stage one statements from children's learning in class and their books. At Bishops Waltham our children make excellent progress. We consistently achieve higher than National results and Hampshire results. This is due to our outstanding teachers, excellent curriculum and rigorous target setting and tracking of each individual child-ensuring all children receive the support or challenge they need, when they need it, in their time at our school.


In Year 1 children complete a Phonics Test which consists of reading 40 words using phonics-some are made up words and some are real words. Phonics is a very small part of reading, as our fantastic results at the end of Year 2 show. This test takes place during a week in June.


In Year R, we are judged on children achieving a Good Level of Development. These assessments are on going and take place throughout the year.


Please look at the current year to view our fantastic results.

Standards 2024

Standards 2023


We are extremely please with this year's results, compared to both our Local Authority (Hampshire) and National across all areas. Please find below graphs showing the comparisons.


Year R-Good Level of development (GLD)

Year 1 Phonics

On this graph, you can see a data comparison pre covid. Our data is above our Local Authority and National figures

Year 2 SATS results


The following results show the percentage of children achieving the expected level in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science at the end of Key Stage 1 in 2023. Our BWIS results are above Hampshire and National in all areas.




The following results show our achievement in 'Greater Depth' (GDS) in Reading, Writing and Maths. Again this figure for BWIS is above Hampshire and the National Figure in all areas.



Please Note: On our SAT results 2019 results show our achievements pre-covid. All results are currently 'unvalidated'.  Finalised results are shared with schools in November. the current results are taken from a national program that our local authority has subscribed to named Perspective Lite

Standards 2023

Standards 2020 and 2021


We do not have any data for the end of the year in 2020 or 2021, due to Covid 19 and the closure of school for the majority of the pupils at different times in those years. From out internal termly data analysis we continued to achieve highly.

Standards 2017

Standards at Bishops Waltham Infant School July 2016

School Illustration