Week 5 5/7/21
Dear Parents and Carers
We had a great week last week. The children had a great time at Sports Day. There are pictures in the 'Latest News' Section and videos and even more photos on Tapestry so do please have a look.
This week has a History focus. The children will be learning about a famous Victorian called Grace Darling. They will be finding out why she is still remembered today and how we know about her even though she died so long ago. The children will compare historical evidence and think about the accuracy of it.
In Maths we are revisiting number including number formation, counting backwards and forwards within 100, and saying the number 1 more or 1 less than a given number.
The children are finishing their portholes showing views of Southsea.
We will continue to revisit phonics, letter formation and capital letters and full stops.
Have a lovely week.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team