Week 2
The children really enjoyed the story Room on a Broom last week and have been busy casting spells and making potions in their role play. So we are going to build on this enthusiasm and this week the children will be writing a list of ingredients needed for their own spell. What spooky concoction will you create? What will your spell be for? Here is an example:
Recipe for: Making you invisible
- A dash of fairy dust
- 4 frogs
- 1 cup of grass
- 2 bats
- Pinch of mud
Sound out the words or write the initial sounds of your words to write your own spell.
Recipe writing sheets
This week in maths we will be practising our addition skills by making up and solving addition spells.
You can use objects to help you. You could use sticks, stones, leaves or cotton buds make great bones!
I put 4 frogs and 3 bats in my cauldron. How many ingredients are there altogether?
The children need to find the total of 2 groups by physically adding/moving the 2 groups together and counting all of them to find the total. They need to realise that when we add the number gets bigger.
We will also be looking at how to record addition problems by using pictures and writing numbers underneath each picture. Can you challenge yourself even further by including the + and = sign?
Number Puzzle Challenge
Print out a set of zero to ten number cards (click on the link below). Cut them in half and hand out a piece to your child. Lay out the remaining number halves on the table. Ask your child to look closely at the shape of their number. Encourage them to look for the other half of their number on the table.
This week in phonics we will be learning the sounds ng, th, and sh.
Click on the PowerPoint below to recap previous sounds learnt - how many do you know?
Initial Sounds Activity:
Below is a great activity to help your child if they are learning to hear and identify the initial sounds in words. Stick up a sheet of paper with written sounds on. You could write the sounds on post-it notes so they are easier to rip off. Encourage your child to take a sound one at a time and hunt round the house or outside to see if they can find something beginning with that sound.
Parents, you may want to have a go yourselves. See who could find the most items. You may get one wrong but that is okay your child could help you correct your mistake.
If they are not sure on a sound, talk to your child about what sound that is and look at the cued articulation on our Year R page. Link below:
CVC Activity:
If your child is practising their segmenting and blending of sounds in words then they might like to have a go at the activity below.
Can your child stretch the words of the ingredients and hear all of the sounds in that word. What sound comes first? What sound is next? Say the word really slowly to help you hear all the sounds.
Have fun making different potions. You could even have a go at creating your own!
Remember to read and practise your words at least 3 times a week. Click on the link to see some fun ways to practise your words at home.
This week we will continue talking about light and dark.
Talk to your child about the differences between day and night. Talk about the different activities you do during the day and night.
Revise your child's ideas about sources of light used when it is dark.
We want children to know :
1) The sun is the main source of natural light. Other natural sources of light include other stars.
2) Sources of light include: fires, candles, electrical lights and battery powered sources.
3) That the moon is not a light source.
Children should be able to name at least two different ways of making the dark lighter.
Talk to your child about which source of light is the brightest? Which is the dimmest? Can they order three sources of light from brightest to the dimmest?
Colour Mixing
This week we will be exploring colour mixing. Using the three primary colours red, blue and yellow we will experiment and see what colours we can make when we mix them together.
Choose one of the activities below to explore the colours you can make.
1. Fold a piece of paper in half and paint 1 colour on each side. Fold the piece of paper in half again. What do they see on the paper, what are the different colours you have made?
2. Try the hand print activity. A bit messy but lots of fun! Paint one hand one colour and the other hand another colour and rub them together.
Room on a Broom Dance
Part 2
Click on the link below and listen carefully to the instructions to create a dance linked to our story of the week Room on a Broom.