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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Diary Entry:

Every week we would like you to write a diary entry in your exercise book we gave you about something you have done at home. We look forward to reading them when you are back at school. 

You could ask your grown up to photograph your writing and put it on the blog or send it in an email so we can see what you are doing. The teachers will be sharing with you on the blog what they are up to as well.




Writing our story

This week we will be writing our own version of 'This is the Bear and the Scary Night'. We will be using our story maps from last week to have a go at writing our own story. 

Here is the link if you need to listen to or read the story again to refresh your memory.


I have written my own version of the story following Miss Campbell's story hill. 

I have underlined the tricky words in red and some of the sounds we have learned in phase 2 and 3 in blue. 

Have a go at sounding out words carefully using your phonic knowledge. You can use the tricky words in your word wallet if you need help to write them. There are some key words such as rescued,  home and remembered which you can copy from the story. 

There is a story template you can use or if you wish to create your own book you can. 

We are very excited to read your stories and would love you to email them to the Year R email when they are finished.

I will upload all your stories onto the Year R page so you can read your friends and see how they are different to yours. 

Remember to think about the way we form our letters when we are writing and see if you can think carefully about where we put full stops and capital letters. 

Note for parents:

The Early Learning Goal for writing: 'Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways that match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.'

For children to reach ELG by the end of Year R the children do not need to have every word spelt correctly but instead, show evidence they can use their phonic knowledge to sound out words and attempt to write them independently. 

e.g. Barbie - Barbee,   pretty- pritee,   dance- darns.     

The children will know how to spell some of the tricky words they have been learning in their word wallets. We encourage them to write these by looking at prompts around the classroom so at home they could find the correct word in their wallet to support their writing. 



Remember to read at least 3 times a week.


This week try and read some poetry. Have you got a favourite poem? There are some lovely poems online. Here are some links to poems you may enjoy listening to or reading. 





Use the phonic sheets we sent home or the powerpoint below to practise saying all the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds we have learnt in school. Have you beaten your total correct from last week?


To help decided which phonic activities are appropriate for your child ask them whose phonic group they are in.

If they are with Miss Turner, Mrs Atkinson or Miss Campbell then they need to select Phase 3 activities.

If they are with Mrs Wombell, Mrs Anderson or Miss Meek then they need to select Phase 2 activities.

I hope this helps 

Rhyming quiz on Kahoot

Type 'Kahoot' into Google and enter the following code. Can you match all of the rhyming words? 


School Illustration