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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Who's Who

Who's Who?


BWIS' Governing body is made up of twelve people. Of these, one is nominated by Hampshire Education Authority, two by the teaching staff (this includes Mrs Riches, our Headteacher), two from the parents and seven are co-opted and chosen by the Governing body.


Each Governor's term lasts for 4 years; after which an election is held or new appointment made. The officers of the Governing body (which includes the Chair and Vice Chair), as well as its committees, are elected annually by the Governors.

As from: October 2024

Simon Brownlie - Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Ginene Riches- Head Teacher/Staff Governor

Roy Birch - LEA Governor

George Denman - Parent Governor

Steven Vidovic - Parent Governor

Helen Baker - Co-opted Governor

Andrew Crowe - Co-opted Governor

Henry Fynn - Co-opted Governor

Vacancy - Co-opted Governor

Vacancy - Co-opted Governor

Penelope Campone - Staff Governor

Catherine Mills - Governor Services Clerk


Meet the Governing Body

School Illustration