In school, we have been creating fantastic fire-y collages.
Follow these instructions to create your own collage at home.
You will need:
2 pieces of card or paper (ideally black)
orange, red and yellow paper or tissue paper
1. Tear your paper or tissue paper into flame shapes. Try to make a point for the top of the flame. Make sure there are no straight edges - fire is all kinds of shapes and definitely isn't straight!
2. Begin to glue on the piece of (black) paper or card. Start at the bottom and glue upwards, towards the top of the page. Cover a smallish area with glue. If you put too much glue on, it will dry before you can put your tissue paper on.
3. Place the shredded tissue paper onto the glued area. Start at the bottom of the page and point it upwards. This is the way a fire would burn. You might imagine that the wind is blowing the fire and want to have your fire leaning in one direction.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your page is covered. You might choose to leave some black at the top for sky or you might choose to cover the whole page.
4. Leave to dry.
5. Now you need to decide what kinds of buildings you would like to have on your picture. Take your second piece of card/paper and draw the outline of a building. This is called a silhouette. A silhouette is the outline of something that can be seen when there isn't much light and is against a bright background - like your fire! This means you won't add detail to your buildings. You might choose to draw St Paul's Cathedral or houses from 1666.
6. Cut out your silhouette, carefully.
7. Place it on top of your fire. Make sure you like the way it looks. Does it look like a building? Do you need to cut out a doorway? Does St Paul's Cathedral have a spire? When you are happy, glue the back of your silhouette and place it onto your collage. Push down firmly and leave to dry.
Don't forget to create your own Great Fire of London PowerPoint!!
Historians find out about the past. Historians who found out about The Great Fire of London would have used different sources to do this. A source is something that gives you information about the past. Historians would have used paintings of the fire, diary entries and newspapers from the time to find out about The Great Fire of London.
Working as a Historian, you are going to compare 2 sources and decide which one gives you more information about The Great Fire of London. The 2 sources are below.
Using a Double Bubble, compare the 2 sources. Remember, the bubbles that meet in the middle are for information that you can get from both of the sources. The bubbles on either side are for information that is different.
Source 1
Source 2