Week 6
This is our final week of our project, Life on an ocean wave. We have had so much fun finding out about Admiral Lord Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar and we are now ready for our outcome. This learning outcome will be a booklet containing a medley of Art, History and English and it will be brought home for you to enjoy. The children have worked extremely hard this term, under unusual circumstances and they should be very proud of what they have achieved.
If you have made your home learning game, please add it to Tapestry for us to see. We are still adding learning to Tapestry each week so do take a look. Don’t forget to like and comment.
Next week we will be completing our Lord Nelson booklets and learning about 2D and 3D shape in Maths. We will be taking part in a Year 2 Quiz where the classes will compete against each other. There will also be some fun and tasty Easter activities.
We will be doing our spelling test on Thursday. Don’t forget to keep on practising at home to ensure your child has the best chance at spelling these words correctly. The words are still being added to SumDog each week so do use this strategy to help recall the words.