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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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This week we are learning about time. 

We will talk about different times of the day, the days of the week as well as learning to read and make o'clock times. 

Times of the Day


We will learn to understand, order and name key parts of the day e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, bedtime and dinner time. 


Look at the class visual timetable for Tuesday this week and talk about what we do at different times of the day. What do you do before school? What do you do after school? What time of the day does your teacher take the register? When do you have snack? When do you have lunch? 





Then, we would like you to have a go at the sorting activity below - can you identify and order events that happen during the day? Encourage your child to use key language such as morning, afternoon, evening and night time when ordering these significant events.

Can you add extra events to the different times of the day?


Days of the Week


Order the days of the week together. You could write your own or print a set from below. Hang  them up somewhere they can be seen every morning.  


While ordering discuss which days we come to school and which are at the weekend. What day do you go swimming, play football or any other activities they do?  How many days are in a week?


Each morning look at the days of the week words together. Ask what is the day today? What was the day yesterday? What will the day be tomorrow?

Can they answer questions like which day comes after Sunday? Which day comes before Monday?



Your child can learn the days of the week through songs and books too. Below are some suggestions for stories and songs.




Click on the links below to have a go at some 'Days of the Week' activities too!

Will you play days of the week snap or create days of the week paper chains?

Telling the Time


Look around your house and see how many different ways of measuring time, you can find. Can you find a clock? …a watch? …a timer? …a sand timer? …a stopwatch? What are these things used for? What numbers can you see? 




Show your child a clock face and explain that the clock helps us to find out what time it is. Draw their attention to the 2 hands and talk about what they mean. What numbers can they see on the clock?


Make your own clock. 

Telling the time


Ask your child to make and read different o'clock times on the clock they have made.

Talk about which numbers the hands need to point to to make o'clock. 


 What time do we take the register at school?  What time do we have lunch?

Can you make these times on your clock?


If your child is confident with o'clock times you could introduce half past to them. 

Play a game

What's the time?


Show your child the clock pictures.  Then spread the pictures out around your room or garden. Explain that you are going to play a game using the pictures. 


Play some music when the music stops ask your child to call out ‘What’s the time?’ and you reply ‘It’s __ o’clock’.


They then run to stand by the clock showing that time. Repeat using all the different times.

Measuring Time 

1 Minute Challenge


Challenge a friend, sibling or grown-up to a 1-minute challenge! Use a stopwatch (your grown-up might have one on their phone), sand timer or clock to time 1 minute.



See how many jumps, stretches, star jumps, hops or other actions each person can do before the time runs out. Who can do the most?

You  could estimate how many you think you could do. 

Online Links


Twinkl Go - Simply enter the following pin code for access some time activities: CT3247




Play Busy Things -  The teachers have put some games in your favourites folder.  


School Illustration