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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Week 2 - April 26

We have had a great first week back. The children have loved starting to learn about animals and really excelled in their innovations of the Tiger Who Came to Tea.  Do take a look on Tapestry where you will see their stories, maths and project work.  We had a wonderful PE session with Life 360 on Thursday and look forward to next Thursday.  Don’t forget to come in wearing PE kits.

Next week we continue looking at stories, reading Tinga Tinga tales.  We will all be writing our own version of a Tinga Tinga tale and look forward to sharing them with you.  In Maths we are looking at addition and subtraction.  We have been using lots of partitioning this week so this will help us with our application and reasoning next week.

We will also be taking a virtual tour of Marwell and Edinburgh Zoo to help us with our project work.  This will help us with sorting animals into categories of living and non-living things.  We will also be taking part in a bug hunt in the school grounds, having used images we search for on iPads and laptops.

We are fortunate enough to be opening up the school library for children next week.  The children will be reunited with our beautiful woodland themed library for a browse and they will choose a book to bring home and share with you. Don’t forget, Bug Club is still a wonderful online resource for reading too.  Next week’s guided reading time we will be using this virtual library, meaning you will be able to read the book virtually at home too.

Sumdog continues to have the weekly spellings available for your child to practise so do log on.



In literacy you will be planning a retelling of your favourite Tinga Tinga tale. We read Why Elephant has a Trunk yesterday and you can watch some more of these stories on YouTube. Choose your favourite and plot the key events on the story hill below remembering how the story starts (You see there was a time...) and finishes (From that day on...). 


In maths, we have been partitioning numbers in several ways. For example, 56 can be partitioned into 50 and 6 or 40 and 16 etc. Please have a go at partitioning some two-digit numbers in 3 different ways using the sheet below. We started this on Monday so you should have a good understanding already.


In our project learning this afternoon, we will be going on a minibeast hunt. Record a tally in the sheet below and think about the different microhabitats you are finding each minibeast.


In literacy we are going to start writing our retelling of the Tinga Tinga Tale you choose yesterday. Follow your story hill to make sure you include all of the key events and correct spellings. Remember to use your common exception word mat to help you too. We will carry on with this tomorrow.


In maths we are going to be having a go at answering some questions addition and subtraction questions using what we know about partitioning to help. You can do this on an unstructured numberline, making big jumps of ten and little jumps of one. Remember to check the number sentence carefully to see if it is a subtraction or addition question.


In our project learning we will be reading a bug club story as part of our guided reading. We will also complete a reading response activity for the Tinga Tinga Tales we have been looking at this week.


In literacy we will be carrying on with our retelling of the Tinga Tinga Tale you have chosen. Make sure to check your writing for correct spellings, full stops and capital letters. You might also want to check you have made your sentences as exciting as they can be using the key words you wrote down on your plan. We are finishing this writing today.


In maths we are going to be looking at worded addition and subtraction questions. We will concentrate on reading the questions carefully to recognise when the number will get smaller or bigger.


In project we are going to be doing some PE, so see if you can spend some time outside being active. We will also be learning about different types of animals by watching these videos (

School Illustration