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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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School Uniform

School Uniform

Our uniform is as follows:


Winter                                                   Summer

* Black school shoes                                 * Red and white check dress

* Grey trousers, pinafore or skirt            * Red cardigan or sweatshirt

* Red or white polo shirt                          * Red or white polo shirt

* Red sweatshirt                                      * Grey shorts

* Red cardigan                                         * Black school shoes

                                                                * White, red or navy closed toe sandals 



Please do not buy boots as these are very uncomfortable for children to sit on the carpet in

Socks/tights worn with ALL footwear (in school colours red/white or grey please)


HAIR: NO large hair accessories e.g JoJo Bows or extreme haircuts i.e skinhead or Mohican (haircuts are in line with the Swanmore cluster)

NO jewellery please


Our uniform is supplied by ‘PMG Schoolwear’. 

You can order your school uniform from them in a number of ways:

- Online from the school web shop

- Call freephone 01895 809321  Monday to Friday 8.30am-5.30pm

- By post at their address: 8 Regal Way, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7BX



All uniform ordered from ‘PMG Schoolwear’ will be delivered to your home address; it is advisable to order early!  If you are unsure which size to order, please bring your child in during school hours to try our samples. 

Uniform bought from other places (such as Marks and Spencer, TU from Sainsbury, George at Asda etc. is still acceptable providing it follows the school colours). 


2nd hand uniform

Please note, we have lots of donated, used uniform at school which we sell at a low price throughout the year. 



Navy shorts and white t-shirts are worn for P.E. sessions, please send them in a named bag, which will be kept on your child’s coat peg. Year R - Plimsolls/trainers for PE are required for the Summer term only.



Trousers, Footwear, Coats, Polo shirts, Sweatshirts,

Shoes, Gloves, Hats, PE Kits.


Book Bagscost £8.99, these are available directly from ‘PMG Schoolwear’.


Name labels:

School code: 2066

School code: 70021

School Illustration