Week 5
Email address reminder
Don't forget if you are having problems uploading photos to the blog we now have a Year R email address set up that you can send messages and pictures to. We sent an email with details about this the week before last. If you have not seen this then please check your junk email box as this is where some parents have found the email.
Communication and Language:
Here are some ideas you might like to discuss with your child. You could send us your thoughts on the blog or in an email. We can't wait to hear what you think.

Celebrating VE Day (Friday 8th of May)
This week at school we would have been learning about and celebrating VE Day. Click on the link below and talk to your child about what VE Day is and join us in celebrating.
Don't forget to share with us any pictures of how you are celebrating the day and we can put them on our website. Please feel free to put them on a blog or to email us
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