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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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In Year 1 we will continue to build on the phonic knowledge the children have learnt in Year R.

With these sounds the children can read and spell words where they can hear each individual phoneme (sound). Such as cvc words (consonant, vowel, consonant) c-a-t,  g-e-t,  w-e-n-t

or ccvc (consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant) sh-i-p,  ch-a-t,  th-i-s

and cvcc (consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant) f-i-sh, w-i-th, m-u-ch

The next sounds or phonemes we learn will be Phases 2 and 3. These are the longer sounds with two letters which make one sound called diagraphs. 

For example 

-ay  -oi  -sh  -th

and those with 3 letters, trigraphs, which make one sound.

For example

-ire  -ear  


The children will be able to use these to read and spell more complex words.


Please encourage your children to use these sounds to build words when they read and write at home.

We are constantly looking for ways to enhance and strength our phonic teaching and learning.


Below is a link to 'The Little Wandle Parent' page which you may find helpful.

Below are some links to a free website called ICT Games. Here are games which link to learning phonics.





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