Week 5
Do you remember learning about Queen Victoria? Grace Darling lived in Victorian times.
See how much you remember in the Quiz below.
This week we are going to learn all about Grace Darling. She was a famous Victorian lady. We will discover what she did and why we remember her today.
You can watch her story on the video below and read about her in the Grace Darling Powerpoint!
You are going to be a History Detective!
How do we know this really happened?
Below are some pictures painted by Victorian artists about Grace Darling's rescue.
They had never met her or watched the rescue so how did they know about it?
Do you remember why there were no cameras, videos, phones, or TV?
So think about how people knew what happened. Here are some ideas:-
- the survivors told their story
- William, her father, had to write what happened in his log book
- Grace wrote letters to the newspapers.
Which of these paintings is the most accurate? Which one shows what really happened?
Use the tick sheet below which has all the things we know are true.
If the painting is accurate and we could use it as evidence which one would you use?
Which do you think is the worst evidence of what it was really like rowing out in a terrible storm.
Your challenge is to create an accurate picture or painting of Grace Darling's rescue!
Go to the Art page and follow Mrs Barnaby's powerpoint!
Week 6
This week we are travelling back in time to discover what a seaside holiday was like in Victorian times!
For the first time Victorian's could go on 'holiday' and they could travel on the train to the coast and stay in a hotel or a 'boarding house'. (bed and breakfast)
Victorians thought the sea air and water was good for their health!
First, what do you remember about Victorian life from our 'Victorian Childhood' project.
Try these quizzes!
So let's compare seaside holidays now and in Victorian times.
You could list the differences or draw and label pictures.