Week 1 6.9.21
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to school and Year 1. We hope you've all had a lovely Summer and a good break.
Our first project is 'Knowing me. Knowing You' which as a getting to know us, each other and Year 1.
We will be revisiting phonics and numbers. The children will be writing a postcard about their Summer activities.
We will be learning the routines and expectations of a new class including assemblies, changing for PE and eating lunch in the hall.
You can find out lots more about Year 1 on the website and you should have received an email earlier inviting you to a Welcome to Year 1 zoom meeting.
We will be continuing to add our learning onto Tapestry so keep a look out for that.
We are looking forward to seeing the children and meeting you on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
The Year 1 team.