Week 1 - April 19
Welcome back to school after the Easter break and to the summer term in Year 2.
We are very excited to get started and this half term we will be learning all about animals in our project “Down in the jungle”. We start our project with a Deadly 60 hook with Steve Backshall. This will excite and inspire the children to write their own script and film themselves presenting about a dangerous animal. Keep a look out on Tapestry as we add learning over the weeks.
In English this week we will be innovating the classic story The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr.
In Maths we will be looking at and working closely with number. We will partition numbers and investigate and reason.
This term our PE day is a Thursday. Children will need to come to school in their kits.
We will be sending books home as soon as possible and remind you that the children should be reading lots at home in order to keep making progress. Don’t forget Bug Club too!
We look forward to catching up with you all this week in our virtual parent teacher consultations.