Coronavirus Update 16-3-2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Due to lots of children talking about the Coronavirus, and some children being very worried, especially as we are now washing hands when we enter the building, including after play and lunch time, this morning we held an assembly about ‘What is a Virus?’.
We watched Dr Ranj’s explanation of a virus and the children had lots of questions. We explained to the children that children are particularly good at fighting viruses. One child asked could we die from it as it said that on the news. We explained that sometimes, when we get older or are already poorly, our bodies aren’t as good at making a virus go away. We talked about sneezing and coughing into hands/tissues and washing hands afterwards. We also talked about what teachers would do regarding learning on our website if we can’t come to school.
Currently we have 10 children self-isolating with cold like symptoms. Thank you to all the parents who are doing this.
All visitors are now required to wash their hands on entry to the building. We will continue with project outcomes, trips and our Rock Steady concert unless directed otherwise. If you do have any of the symptoms from our previous correspondence, we would like you to stay away from school. If you do enter the building, even to talk to reception, we will be requesting that you wash hands, so please consider if it is something you need to come into school about. We will continue to keep everybody updated as soon as any new guidance is released to us.
Please find the link to Dr Ranj’s virus explanation below