Latest Government Guidance
Dear Parents and Carers
I am sure you are aware that there was an announcement about school reopening yesterday, where headteachers across the country find out, the same time as yourselves, whether our schools are opening or not. Despite being in Tier 4, Hampshire Primary schools, including both infant and junior schools, will be reopening to all pupils next week. Therefore we will be open. Early Bird Club and Treetops will be also be open. We will be closed on Monday 4th January to pupils, for staff training (planned INSET). We will reopen to pupils on Tuesday 5th January. The drop off and pick up times will be the same as before Christmas.
Due to the higher level of transmission of the new strain of covid, we are now asking that all adults wear a mask on our school site when dropping off and picking up. As before, we will be ventilating rooms throughout the day.
As it is getting colder, your child may benefit from another layer, such as a vest or long sleeve t-shirt under their uniform. They may also benefit from longer trousers instead of shorts. Please make sure your child is wearing warm clothing on PE days as all PE is outside. A pair of trainers should also be in school for other runaround sessions.
Drop off times:
Year 1 and 2: 8.40- 8.50
Year R: 9-9.10.
Pick up times:
Year 1 and 2: 2.40-2.50
Year R: 3-3.10
The gates will be locked at all other times. Only 1 parent per family drop off. If dropping off for a friend, their child will become part of your family grouping, reducing the number of adults on site further. Both drop off and pick up need to be as quick as possible, with no group gatherings, especially on our exit ramp. If queuing at the entrance, please keep 2m apart with your child close to you/ holding your hand. Children should not be ‘running ahead’ especially through our car park and on the exit ramp of our school at any time.
Please can all adults where a mask on our school site,
We will be maintaining our high level of cleaning, hand washing and systems that we were doing before Christmas, to try our best to keep staff, parents and pupils as safe as we can. We hope that we have your parental cooperation at all times and your continued understanding of why our safety measures are in place. We also ask that families follow the Tier 4 guidance outside of school hours too, to reduce the transmission of the faster spreading strain.
School will be open on Monday, if anyone has any questions, we will be glad to help.
We 2021 brings more hope for us all.
Kind regards
Mrs Riches and everyone at BWIS